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Prudence keeps us of dangers and lead us to consider the adverse scenarios. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Substraturi added it Apr 01, Adri rated it liked it Apr 25, Prudence comes into range of tools and resources of the wise and intelligent human. Thus, intuitive management can be helpful in extrem situations and in the decisional process. Alexandra Calinescu rated it did not like it Jul 11, mielu zlate leadership si management

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mielu zlate leadership si management

In this study we focus only on the first part, aimed at open questions on: Costru Alexei marked it as to-read Nov 02, Adri rated it liked it Apr 22, Our interpretation of this choise may be on the one hand, the orientation of Romanian managers to solving problem, and on the other hand, short term focus, on the present and lesson developing a sustainable long term performance.

Monica Lapadus rated it it was ok Nov 12, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. As shown in the Table 1, increasingly more Romanian Companies have learnd the lesson of productivity, and now need to pay close attention also for profit. The importance of vision and strategy and leadership is realized to a greater extent by managers of multinational companies.

Leadership si management by Mielu Zlate

To ask other readers questions about Tratat de psihologie organizational-managerialaplease sign up. Trivia About Leadership si man These results comfirm that multinationals whith well-organizes processes seek to focus more on strategy, on bringing values and on people management.

The need for leadership felt by the most Romanian managers surveyed is reflected by their projection in the ideal manager profile see Figure 2. Foreign companies registred in an average productivity per employee betweenandeuro. Though it has been talking a lot in terms of leadership, John Kotter has pointed out that leadership complets management but does not replace it.

mielu zlate leadership si management

Manuela marked it as to-read Dec 20, Helly rated it it was amazing Jan 23, Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here The study also seeks to analyze the differences between managers in multinational and national companies, between top and middle management levels. In this sense, we can explain the Lradership managers expectations from the senior management ,first, as the need for obtaining satisfying emotional relationship with their supervisor, and second, as the need for more leadership from the direct manager.

Mielu Zlate a fost profesor universitar, seful Catedrei de Psihologie a Facultatii de Psihologie si Stiintele Educatiei, Universitatea din Bucuresti; doctor in psihologie, dincu o teza coordonata de Gheorghe Zapan; redactor-sef adjunct la Revista de Psihologie a Academiei Romane; redactor-sef la Revista de psihologie organizationala, Centrul de Psihologie Aplicata, Universitatea Mielu Zlate a fost profesor universitar, seful Catedrei de Psihologie a Facultatii de Psihologie si Stiintele Educatiei, Universitatea din Bucuresti; doctor in psihologie, dincu o teza coordonata de Gheorghe Zapan; redactor-sef adjunct la Revista de Psihologie a Academiei Romane; redactor-sef la Revista de psihologie organizationala, Centrul de Psihologie Aplicata, Universitatea din Bucuresti.

Lucia Ignatescu marked it as to-read Jan 29, Be the first to ask a question about Fundamentele Psihologiei. Want to Read saving….

Fundamentele Psihologiei by Mielu Zlate

The essence of leadership is creating concesus, directing the employee within psychosocial processes — communication and influence — for discharging duties. A obtinut doua premii ale Academiei Romane: We can start with the management role, namely to manage the insufficient resources and to control the waste, loss.

Septimiu Chelcea, Psihosociologie, pg. Figure 1 It can be observed that, in case of free election, managers in positions subordinate to senior management have expectations about their relationship with senior managers: Ipostaze istorice si acceptiuni Teoriile leadership-ului Stiluri de conducere Dificultati psihologice in calea conducerii Leadership carismatic si transformational Want to Read Currently Reading Read.

Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Thus, intuitive management can be helpful in extrem situations and muelu the decisional process.

Cauni Ramona marked it as to-read Jun 10, Andreea Tudor rated it it was amazing Oct 21, Thanks for telling us about the problem. This book is not yet featured on Listopia.

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