Wednesday, December 11, 2019


I get an error telling me that afxres. RC file and comment out the include for afxres. Asked 4 years, 4 months ago. Help us improve MSDN. Yeah, I do know that afxres. Wednesday, January 23, afxres.rc

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If not, where do I get it, or how do I make sure the RC compiler "sees it"?


Then, don't forget to include the "yourResource. Wednesday, January 6, 6: Remove From My Forums.

RC file and comment out the include for afxres. Yeah, I do know that afxres. Wednesday, January 23, Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: Sign in to vote. In fact it seemed like we had sorted pretty much everything out.

afxres.h and RC Files

It's in the Resource include files. Visual Studio tries to load localized afxres. It is a Multibyte i. One of the errors we were getting was in the rc file, where the compiler said it couldn't find "l. Improving the question-asking experience.


Change the path, and done! It changes it when saving the resource file make change, click save, it's already changed.


We haven't had many afres.rc, so far. Sign up using Facebook. I've tried removing the UpgradeFromVC71 property page, but to no avail. Sign up using Email and Password. Leaving an answer for future reference.

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How do we handle problem users? There are the offending includes. RC file and in your source files. It will be automatically compiled, even if you can't see the actual dialog, like in a resource editor, because the express edition does not have that.

fatal error RC cannot open include file '' | PC Review

According to wikipedia, MFC which supposedly includes afxres. This site uses cookies for analytics, personalized content and ads. Active 4 years, 4 months ago. I guess there is some property, or something, that it's still telling the IDE it is a Visual Studio project, but I can't find it.

Post as a guest Name. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot afxre.rc you and your coworkers to find and share information.

----fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'afxres.rc'

Upon investigating the issue, we found that in VS I guess and too the path is "l. Am I missing something? Hey, Sorry for the late reply. The content you requested has been removed.

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