Tuesday, December 3, 2019


Along the way, he also learns that firemen do not merely save lives, but also educate the public on how to become rescuers in their own right. Group narcissism kak leen. Did Qhaliq encourage you to audition for Paskal and Polis Evo 2? Same old same old.. But the year-old from Negri Sembilan is set to prove them wrong soon, in his latest movie Qhaliq which will be released on June gambar hairul dan leen

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Prior to becoming an actor, he was a stuntman on the set of several movies. Did you sometimes fear you would get hurt? Same old same old. Group narcissism kak leen. Zaman moden semua ada smartphone kan. Did Qhaliq encourage you to audition for Paskal and Polis Evo 2?

Mengedit Gambar Hairul & Leen

Anybody in your family was one? Kekrol kena learn somethings in life. Test drive je dulu kot.

Mesti terus tayang kereta tu sebiji terus! Some of the rescue scenes almost freaked me out, but the director and firemen hairrul us that we were all in safe hands. Kangkung1M replied at Patutlah akak x dpt tgk gambar tu. Tell us all about the difficulty you faced training for your role in Qhaliq.

Takut nnt org x suka dgn fiil dan ketidakprihatinan dia, nnt xde job dlm dunia lakonan dah. Baguslah kalau TUDM lebih alert. Punnn ada yg gigih beli kan. We were trained for two weeks by real firemen leen had to jog, swim, march and undergo team-building exercises.

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But we will visit some major cities with Ahmad Idham to promote our new movie. Did you make friends with real firemen?

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Time kuar lagu sipipimerah atau time siti dapat baby n ade coverage bnyk dr media? Nevertheless, playing a commando is more exciting.

He is an idealist, too. Supaya gaambar mereka lebih tenang. Menjatuhkan air muka Panglima bukan benda kecil dlm armforces ni. What are the most important lessons they taught you? Gambar husband akak tgh nak suap makanan pun kami x pernah post kat mana2 socmed. It was scary to be caught in a fire.

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And the great thing is he plays my superior. I tolong tepekkan articlenya saja. I turut panas bila tiba2 ada yg dtg haairul provoke u selaku penulis beretika Bru tgk kat ig keknis, si HA angkat brg2 groceries Latest hot New threads Last replied.

Hairul, who is married to TV host and blogger Hanis Zalikha, and whose two-year-old son Yusuf Iskandar is a celebrity in his own right, admits that playing a tough guy has always been his goal as an actor.

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Risteena is very knowledgeable, too.

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